Courtesy of Jim Nielson (Bodily website)
3-Day Trip From Kaysville
112-Year-Old Cabin Joins ‘Old Deseret’
By Frank Brunsman
Tribune Staff Writer
A 112-year-old cabin from the Kaysville area finished a three-day trip Friday t Pioneer Trail State Park to become the third major building acquisition for the park’s “Old Deseret” village.
John M. Bourne, park historian said “Old Deseret” is being created north of This Is The Place Monument in the park at the mouth of Emigration Canyon directly north of Hoble Zoo.
Settles on Farm
A donation form the Weldon Roberts Fam, the two-room cabin with lean-to was the second cabin built by a convert to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from England – Levi Roberts.
Mr. Roberts, a member of the Mormon Battalion, settled on a farm two miles west of Kaysville in 1850, said Mr. Bourne.
The historian reported that the other two homes being restored for “Old Deseret” are the Brigham Young Forest Farmhouse and the Mary Fielding Smith Home.
Vacant Several Years
It’s planned that more than 40 pioneer buildings will be established at the park.
The Levi Roberts cabin, built in 1865 after the early Utah farmer’s first cabin apparently lacked size and refinements, has been vacant for several years.
The cabin will be restored and later furnished, Mr. Bourne said.
Besides the three homes, a number of sheds have been acquired for the heritage project.
Photo caption:
Cabin, built in year the Civil War ended, is transported toward Pioneer Trail State Park from Kaysville via Foothill Drive. Levi Roberts built the home. It goes to the park as a gift from his descendants. Structure will be restored and furnished.
Tribune Staff Photo by Lynn R. Johnson
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